
Inventory of possessions of the merchant Jacob Elendt (Ellend) of Augsburg.


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Document Date Century City Province
Inventory of possessions of the merchant Jacob Elendt (Ellend) of Augsburg. 1577 16cent/3/late Krakow

Inventory of possessions of the merchant Jacob Elendt (Ellend) of Augsburg, who died 1577 in Cracow, there was among other music instruments also a large Spanish "Quinterna" in a wooden case. This might have been a vihuela.
The instrument is described as "Hispanska Quinterna wielka w puzdrze drewnianim"

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons
Original text

"Hispanska Quinterna wielka w puzdrze drewnianim"

People mentioned

It seems that Ellendt sold music instruments in Poland and East-Prussia (Königsberg), since his name also occurs in Königsberg court accounts.
(Information supplied by P. Kiraly Feb 1998)