
Inventory of don Juan Luis de la Cerda, 5º duque de Medinaceli.


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Document Date Century City Province
Inventory of don Juan Luis de la Cerda, 5º duque de Medinaceli. 1594 16cent/3/late Madrid Madrid

Inventory of don Juan Luis de la Cerda, 5º duque de Medinaceli.” Dos guitarras” listed.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons Guitar
Original text

dos guitarras una mayor que otra con costillas de ebano y todo lo demas ecebto la tapa estan en una caja aforrada en paño morado por dentro 10 duc (=3740 mrs)

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Cerda, Juan Luis de la Deceased Nobility

Kenyon (kenyon1996, pp. 1999-200) gives a combined list of instruments based on the inventory of the duke and on the valuation of his possessions. The instruments would probably have been for the use of salaried musicians at his residence. Includes 2 guitars
Kenyon asserts that the violones would be violin family rather than vihuelas de arco.

Code Author Item Pages
kenyon1996 Kenyon de Pascual, Beryl. “Two 16th-century Spanish Inventories” Galpin Society Journal 49 (1996): 198-203.