
Inventory of Marqués de Velada.

1596 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Inventory of Marqués de Velada. 1596 16cent/3/late Madrid Madrid

The inventory of the Marques shows that he owned a vihuela and a guitar.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons Guitar AHPMad Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid Protocolos, leg 1810, fols 1291-1353v
Original text

“una vihuela y una guitarra en sus cajas” (fol. 1334).

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Gómez Dávila y Toledo (2nd Marqués de Velada), Gonzalo Living Nobility

Kenyon (kenyon1996) erroneously assumed that the 1596 inventory of the second Marques de Velada, Gonzalo Gómez Dávila y Toledo, was made post mortem. Martínez Hernández (martinezh1999) clarifies that it was made, instead, following the death of the second wife of the Marqués, Ana de Toledo y Colonna. The inventory was made on 5 February 1596. It is notable for the large library that it contains. Some of the book title are given in F. Bouza. «Leer en palacio», pp. 29-42. The Marqués died in 1616. He was ayo to Felipe II and the young Felipe III.