
Inventory of Juan de Herrera before his marriage.

1590.05.28 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo

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Document Date Century City Province
Inventory of Juan de Herrera before his marriage. 1590.05.28 16cent/3/late Toledo Castilla-La Mancha

Inventory of Juan de Herrera before his marriage.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons Vihuelas AHPT Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo leg 2059, fol 811
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Arratia, Mateo de Living Artisan
Herrera, Juan de Living Bourgeoisie

Guitar with ribs of ebony made by Mateo de Arratia. One of two guitars valued together at 2244 mrs.