
Inventory of Pedro Bravo de Morales, blacksmith

1584.12.14 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo

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Document Date Century City Province
Inventory of Pedro Bravo de Morales, blacksmith 1584.12.14 16cent/3/late Toledo Castilla-La Mancha

Inventory of Pedro Bravo de Morales, blacksmith. Reynaud comments that this inventory is rich in musical instruments.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons Guitar AHPT Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo leg 2392, fol 725 [1584.12.14]
Original text

“guitarra de cinco ordenes” [AHPT leg 2392, fol 725. 1584.12.14]
fol 730: vihuelas de arco, 2 rabeles

There is something here that I need to check
Reynaud comments that this inventory is rich in musical instruments.

“vihuela de cinco ordenes” [AHPT leg 2392, fol 725. 1595.03.30]
“guitarra de cinco ordenes” [AHPT leg 2392, fol 725. 1584.12.14]
Reynaud is not clear, but these are both possibly the same instrument [?]
fol 730: vihuelas de arco, 2 rabeles

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Bravo de Morales, Pedro Artisan

The 1595 version of the inventory lists a “guitarra de cinco ordenes” “vihuela de cinco ordenes” [AHPT leg 2392, fol 725. 1595.03.30]
Reynaud is not clear, but this appears to be the same instrument listed the following year as a “vihuela de cinco órdenes” [reynaudPT, p. 392].

It is doubtful that he is the same Pedro de Morales praised by Pacheco in 1599 as one of the finest vihuelists of his time.