
Juan del Encina, Triunfo de Amor.


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Document Date Century City Province
Juan del Encina, Triunfo de Amor. 1496 15cent/3/late

Juan del Encina (c.1469-c.1529). Festivities that take place in the palace of Cupid in which the famous musicians, poets and theorists of Antiquity all participate. Instruments mentioned are: baldosa, psaltery harp, vihuela, lute (baldosa, salterio, arpa, vihuela, laúd)

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary MS Vihuelas Literature Lute
Original text

22 instruments listed. Strings = baldosa, salterio, arpa, vihuela, laúd. Not very specific refereences to the vihuela.
Clavezínbalo, salterios, / Harpa, manualo sonoro: / Vihuelas, Laúdes de oro / Do cantaban mil misterios: / Atambores y Atabales, / Con Trompetas y Añafiles, / Clarines de mil metales, / Dulzainas, Flautas reales, / Tamborinos muy gentiles. Festivities that take place in the palace of Cupid in which the famous musicians, poets and theorists of Antiquity all participate.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Encina, Juan del Living Professional

Festivities that take place in the palace of Cupid in which the famous musicians, poets and theorists of Antiquity all participate. 22 instruments listed. Strings = baldosa, salterio, arpa, vihuela, laúd. Not very specific references to the vihuela.
Clavezínbalo, salterios, / Harpa, manualo sonoro: / Vihuelas, Laúdes de oro / Do cantaban mil misterios: / Atambores y Atabales, / Con Trompetas y Añafiles, / Clarines de mil metales, / Dulzainas, Flautas reales, / Tamborinos muy gentiles.
A more extensive passage of the text is included in DOCUMENTS. Texts drawn from encinaCAN.