
Joan Martorell, Tirant lo blanc.


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Document Date Century City Province
Joan Martorell, Tirant lo blanc. 1490 15cent/3/late Valencia Valencia

Tirant lo blanc, by Joan Martorell and Martí Joan de Galba. Started January 1460. Published in 1490.
It refers to Music during the reign of Juan II in Aragon and Enrique IV of Castile. More information:

From: martorellTIR, sig. s.v; capdevillaTIR, III (1927), p. 129. Quoted in knighton1992, p. 562.
[Tirant] he is very cheerful with his friends
and entertains them: with minstrels they
dance and jig with women...
Some play the lute, others the harp; some
the media vihuela, others flutes; and sing in
three parts according to the rules of music...

From: martorellTIR. Consulted in riquierJM, II, p. 339.
Some play the lute, other the harp,
some vihuelas, others flutes, and
they sing in three parts according
to the rules of art.

From: martorellTIR, sig. V.iiiv; capdevillaTIR, V. p. 211. Quoted in pedrellEMPO, pp. 124-125. The Castilian translation of 1511 does not mention the musical instruments, being limited to a general description of the scene; see riquierJM, V, p. 142.
at the towers and windows of the great halls:
trumpets, añafiles, clarions, tambourines, shawms,
bagpipes and drums with such clamour and
magnificence that the sad could not help but feel
very happy. In the chambers and smaller rooms:
cymbals, flutes, medias vihuelas and harmonious
human voices that could be considered as angelic.
In the great halls: lutes, harps, and other
instruments, that gave life and rhythm to the dances
performed gracefully by the ladies and courtiers.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Vihuelas Lute Literature
Original text

Stringed instruments mentioned: “llaüts” “arpes” “miges viules” the first two associated with the dance, the “viules” with song accompaniment.
• Cap. 154, vol 1, p. 521. [de la respuesta de Tirant al duque de Macedonia]. “En les sues tendes… los uns sonen llaút, los altres arpa, uns mija viola altres flautes e cantar a tres veus per art de música”
• Cap. 452, p. 519 ff. Prior to Tirant leaving Constantinople to reclaim the Imperial lands, the Emperor gives hime his daughter Carmesina as a bride: “…e molt altres grans senyor e dames e infinit poble, on se doná meravellosa collaciò a real gast, aixi abundós, com se pertanyia a tal esposalici, de pasta real e marsapan e alres confits de molta estima, l’ordre, lo servir y los servidors, de molt triümfant e discreta manera… ab tanta riquea i pompa com jamés se sía vista, la música partida en diversas parts per les torres e finestres de les gran sales: trompetas, anafils, clarons, tamborinos, xaramites e musetes e tabals, ab tanta remor e magnificència que non es podien defendre los trests de molta alegría. En les cambres i retrets, símbols, flautes, miges viules e concordades veus humanes que angelicals s’estimaven. En les gran sales llaüts, arpes e altres esturments, que donaven setiment e mesura a les danses que graciosament per les dames i cortesans se ballauen.”

From: capdevillaTIR, p. 129. Quoted in knighton1992, p. 562.
[Tirant] Es molt alegre ab sos amichs
donant-los delits: ab menistres dansen e
ballen entre dones...
Los huns sonen laut los altres arpa: huns
mija viula altres flautes: e a cantar a tres
ve[us] per art de musica...

From: capdevillaTIR. Consulted in. riquerJM, II, p. 339.
Unos tañen laút, otros
harps; unos vihuelas, otros
frautas [sic], y cantan a
tres bozes por arte.

From: martorellTIR, V. p. 211. Quoted in pedrellEMPO, pp. 124-125. The Castilian translation of 1511 does not mention the musical instruments, being limited to a general description of the scene; see riquerJM, V, p. 142.
... per les torres: e finestres de les grans sales
trompetes anfils clarons tamborinos charamites e
musetes: e tabals, ab tanta remor: e magnificencia
que nos podie defendre los trists de molta
alegria. En les cambres: y retrets: simbols flautes
miges viules: e concordades veus humanes que
angelicals se stimauen. En les grans sales lauts:
arpes: e altrs struments, que donauen sentiment: e
mesura a les dances que graciosament per les
dames y cortesans se ballauen.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Martorell, Joanot Living Nobility

corona1999, (page 198) gives the following reference to the vihuela, lute and guitar in this source document (page references to the 1490 edition).
Joan Martorell and Marti Joan de Galba, Tirant lo blanc (Valencia, 1490) = martorellTIR

(a) martorellTIR, sig. s/v; Vihuela, Lute. [see capdevilaTIR, III, 129; subiraHIST, 181; riquerJM, II, 339; knighton1992, 562].
(b) martorellTIR, sig. V.iii/v; Vihuela. [see pedrellEMPO, 124-125; capdevilaTIR, V, 211.
[In the Catalan "miges viules" in both quotations]

Texts from corona1999 page 250-251.