
Miguel de Fuenllana, Orphenica Lyra

1554 Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid

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Miguel de Fuenllana, Orphenica Lyra 1554 16cent/2/mid Sevilla Andalucia

Fuenllana, Miguel de. Libro de Musica de Vihuela, intitulado Orphenica lyra. Sevilla: Martin de Montesdoca, 1554.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
music source Music Vihuelas E-Mn Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
Original text

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Name Status when cited Social status
Fuenllana, Miguel de Living Professional

Fuenllana, Miguel de. Libro de Musica de Vihuela, intitulado Orphenica lyra. Sevilla: Martin de Montesdoca, 1554. = fuenllana1554
Wagner demonstrates that there are two editions of the book both dating from 1554. One of these is possibly the fraudulent edition that Fuenllana sought to have confiscated. Details of surviving copies are listed in the bibliography.
20 copies survive. They are listed in the bibliography under fuenllana1554. One of these is preserved in its original unbound state. see ruiz2021-2.