
Lope de Albariel buys the belongings of his brother Mohama.

1473.12.30 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza

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Document Date Century City Province
Lope de Albariel buys the belongings of his brother Mohama. 1473.12.30 15cent/3/late Zaragoza Aragon

The moorish violero Lope de Albariel makes a general purchase of all real and personal property to the Moor ballestero Mohama Albariel for 2500 sueldos.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons AHPZ Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Albariel, Lope de Living Artisan
Albariel, Mahoma Living Artisan

Martínez2105, p. 54, mistakenly quotes the summary from Pallarés Jimenez as if it were the original document.