
Juan Pérez de Guernica, apprenticed to Juan de Vitoria.


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Document Date Century City Province
Juan Pérez de Guernica, apprenticed to Juan de Vitoria. 1462.12.02 15cent/2/mid Zaragoza Aragon

The blind Juan de Vitoria takes on Juan Pérez de Guernica, also blind, as an apprentice for the trade of oracionero. Letter of apprenticeship. Inhabitant of Zaragoza... for the space of five years.. that you might show me as many oraciones as I might be able to learn etc, and sound and play the vihuela de arco; and at the end of the said time give you a vihuela [worth] two gold florins, in gold

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archival document Persons
Original text

Carta de aprendiz.. habitant de Caragoça... por tiempo de cinquo anyos.. que me demostredes tantas oraciones como yo pore deprender etc. e sonar e tocar vihuela d'arquo e raben etc.; e a la fin del dito tiempo dar vos una vihuela de dos florines d'oro en oro....

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Vitoria, Juan de Living Urban
Pérez de Guernica, Juan Living Urban

pallares1991, Part V/Doc 7: 1462.12.02:

This and the next two documents concern Juan de Vitoria