
Antonio Fernández, relieves Baltasar de Villalobos.

1598.10.16 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid

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Document Date Century City Province
Antonio Fernández, relieves Baltasar de Villalobos. 1598.10.16 16cent/3/late Valladolid Castilla-León

Antonio Fernández replaces and relieves Baltasar de Villalobos of the authorisation that he had given him for restitution of the property of Captain Antonio Daza from the monastery of St. Catalina of Sena. Antonio was a brother of vihuelist Esteban Daza. It is significant because it clarifies which of the vihuelists siblings were still alive

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHPV Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid Protocolos, legajo 955 fol. 599v
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Daza, Antonio Deceased
Daza de los Ríos, Baltasar Living
Daza, Francisco (II) Deceased Ecclesiastical
de los Ríos, Gerónima (2) [Jerónima] Living
Daza de los Ríos, Juana Living
Maldonado, María Living Ecclesiastical
de los Ríos, Mariana Deceased Ecclesiastical

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