
Elena Daza, power of attorney.

1557.12.12 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid

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Document Date Century City Province
Elena Daza, power of attorney. 1557.12.12 16cent/2/mid Valladolid Castilla-León

Elena Daza, widow and resident of Salamanca gives power to Gaspar de la Sarte, carpenter, to collect what he is owed from the houses she owns in Valladolid “casas que yo tengo en la dicha ciudad”. She is an aunt of Esteban Daza, a sister of his father Tomás, and wife of Rodrigo Alonso de Butrón, parents of the el licenciado Francisco Butrón.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHPV Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid Protocolos, legajo 225, fols.1464-1464v
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Daza, Elena Living
