
Information from Juan Buxedo about the death of Francisco Daza and Mariana de los Ríos.


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Document Date Century City Province
Information from Juan Buxedo about the death of Francisco Daza and Mariana de los Ríos. 1598.08.00 16cent/3/late Castilla-León

Information from Juan Buxedo, tailor, about the death of Francisco Daza y Mariana de los Ríos.In this document he says that Francisco and Mariana died in august of 1598.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Daza, Francisco (II) Deceased Ecclesiastical
de los Ríos, Mariana Deceased Ecclesiastical

Véase: AHPV/leg/955/588/1598.10.18
Cf 1624.03.26
