
Esteban Daza, partition of dowry and earnest of his mother (Doc. 5).

1578.05.28 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid

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Document Date Century City Province
Esteban Daza, partition of dowry and earnest of his mother (Doc. 5). 1578.05.28 16cent/3/late Valladolid Castilla-León

DOC 5 Esteban and his other brothers beneficiaries of renunciations of his brother monks sign the partition of dowry and earnest of his mother.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHPV Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid Protocolos, leg 379, fols1480-91v
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Daza, Esteban Living Bourgeoisie

14docs no/05 Firma/Esteban/Daza
