
Aredes, Miguel de

Active 1604-1620

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Miguel de Aredes Portugal Asunción 1620 M P1309

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Artisan Church

Years active Place active Century Region
1604-1620 Tucumán Asunción 17cent/1/early America
Biographical information

Portuguese born organ builder who lived in Tucumán and went to Asunción in Paraguay to build an organ for the cathedral, in an agreement of 1604. The Cabildo changed the conditions after he arrived, and the extensions of time caused him to remain in Asunción, eventually dying there in 1620. The inventory of his deceased estate includes vihuela strings and “una vihuela buena”.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1620 Miguel de Aredes. Testamento e Inventario

Ref Author Item Pages
fahrenkrog2024 Fahrenkrog, Laura “Vestigios de un testamento, de un inventario, y de un órgano en Asunción del Paraguay (s. XVII)”. Resonancias 28, n°54 (2024): 217-227.