
De Caliz, Melchior

Active 1533-1556

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Melchior De Caliz P1285

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Artisan Artisan Urban Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1533-1556 Valencia Granada 16cent/2/mid Aragon
Biographical information

The Archivo del Reino de Valencia in Valencia keeps records of the Guild of carpenters (Gremios, llibres 178-230). Melchior DeCaliz (1) was a member of this guild from 1533 until 1558, according to the guild records. He was nominated as inspector for the Guild in 1539.

His daughter María Magdalena was baptised 5-12-1546 in the parish of San Esteban (Servicio Diocesano de Archivos Parroquiales de Valencia) and his son Melchior (2) also became a violero.

All the above records are available online:

He appears to have moved later to Granada. His name appears on 25 April 1556 in the books of the Hermandad del Corpus Christi as Melchior Decaliz - violero, as new member of the Brotherhood. This note was crossed out and written for a second time, with similar text… (garciaruiz2017) The move to Granada may have been connected to the plague that afflicted Valencia from 1557-1559.

There is no specific doementation to confirm that he made vihuelas, but it can be assumed he did.

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
bogaard2022 Bogaard, Ton. “The violeros 16th century of Valencia Rediscovered.” Part of the author’s website Valencia: Ten Centuries of Guitar Building. (consulted 21/02/2022)
garciaruiz2017 García Ruiz, Aarón. “La escuela granadina antigua de construcción de guitarras: propuesta de un protocolo para el estudio de cordófonos”. Diss. Doctor en Arte, Universidad de Granada, 2017.