
Cavalletto, Giovanni Battista

Active 1486-1523

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Giovanni Battista Cavalletto P0163

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Artist Artisan Urban Artist (painter)

Years active Place active Century Region
1486-1523 Bologna Ferrara 15cent/3/late Italy
Biographical information

from Grove Art Online.
Cavalletto [Caballettus; de Cabaleto; de Capalatitis; Chavaletto], Giovanni Battista. (fl 1486–1523). Italian illuminator, painter and sculptor. He was principally active as an illuminator and ran a workshop of considerable repute in Bologna. In 1486 he collaborated with Martino da Modena (fl 1477–89) on the decoration of choir-books for S Petronio, Bologna, and this contact with Martino undoubtedly influenced his style. In 1509 and 1511 and then in 1522 and 1523 he and his collaborators received payments for the illumination of a number of choir-books for the same church (Bologna, Mus. S Petronio). Cavalletto’s only surviving signed and dated work is a full-page miniature of the Coronation of the Virgin (1523; Bologna, Mus. Civ. Med.), from the statute book of the guild of merchants and drapers of Bologna.

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