
Zúñiga y Avellaneda, Francisco de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Francisco de Zúñiga y Avellaneda 1485 1536 M P1271

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Nobility Court - noble

Years active Place active Century Region
16cent/1/early Castilla
Biographical information

Francisco de Zúñiga y Avellaneda y Velasco, III Conde de Miranda del Castañar (Count of Miranda), was father of the man who became the patron of Enríquez de Valderrábano and the dedicatee of Silva de Sirenas.
He was the son of Pedro de Zúñiga, II Conde de Miranda del Castañar [? - 10/5/1492] and Catalina de Velasco [? - 1496]

He married María Enríquez de Cárdenas y Enríquez [? - ?] and had five children:
1 Francisco, IV Conde de Miranda del Castañar (? - c. 1565)
2 Catalina (? - ?) who married Luis de Sandoval y Rojas, III Conde de Lerma (? - 1570) [with issue]
3 Teresa (? - ?) who married Pedro de Zúñiga, I Marqués de Aguilafuente (? - ?) [with issue]
4 Ana (? - ?) who married Juan Arias de Saavedra, III Conde del Castellar (? - 1580) [with issue]
5 Gaspar (1507 - 1571)

The Conde had his principal residence in Peñaranda del Duero and also in Valladolid

see more in Wikipedia:úñiga_Avellaneda_y_Velasco
