
Morón, Alonso

Active 1520/ca

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Alonso Morón M P1270

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Musician Urban Urban Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1520/ca Cuba 16cent/1/early America
Biographical information

Several sources make reference to Alonso Morón from Bayoma in Cuba as a great vihuelist from the period of the conquest. (Repeated in marinlopez2016, 343) I have found reference to a Morón from Bayona in Bernal Díaz’s Verdadera Historia without reference to music: he provided a horse to the cavalry of Cortés. Carpentier1946 (p. 20) mention him as a “relative” of Alonso Morón but cites no source.
According to Carpentier (p.20) Moron “was based in Colima where he he also opened a school of singing and dancing. It is certain, judging by the date of his arrival in Neuva España that other musicians, the piper Benito Bejel, the trumpeters Cristóbal Rodríguez and Crístobal Barrera, the harpist Maese Pedro, and Cristóbal de Tapia, the drummer of Pánfilo de Narváeiz, would have all been in Cuba earlier, But their time there has left no trraces. [p. 21] With Ortiz, Porras and Morón, and with several other military musicians, Cuba had received, in its early colonial existence, the musical legacy of the Peninsula.”

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