
Cotijo, Juan

Active 1565-1566

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juan Cotijo M P1238

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Musician Servant Court - royal Singer Instrumentalist (unspecified)

Years active Place active Century Region
1565-1566 Madrid 16cent/2/mid Castilla
Biographical information

Musician active at the Court of Isabelle de Valois, probably a singer. Juan Cotijo is always described as a musician (musico), except on one occasion where it is stated that he was the companion of Juan Pietro Escallón. It is thought that Escallón was his accompanist.

Related persons
Juan Pietro Escallón was his associate
Isabel de Valois was his patron

Ref Author Item Pages
corona1999 Corona-Alcalde, Antonio. “The Players and Performance Practice of the Vihuela and its related Instruments, the Lute and the Guitar, from c. 1450 to c.1650. as revealed by a Study of Literary, Musical, Theoretical, and Archival Sources”. Diss. King's College, University of London, 1999. 29, 312