
Valois, Isabel de

Active 1560-1569

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Isabel de Valois Fontainbleau 1546.04.13 Madrid 1568.10.03 F P1227

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela de arco violón Royalty Court - royal Patron

Years active Place active Century Region
1560-1569 Madrid 16cent/2/mid Castilla
Biographical information

Isabel de Valois (1546-1568). Queen of Castille, third wife of Philip II. Her marriage to Phillip was fruit of the Treatise of Cateau-Cambresis that established the peace between Spain and France. She brought with her to Spain several players of the vihuela de arco and/or "violon".

Related persons
Miguel de Fuenllana was her employee
Juan Pietro Escallón was her employee

Source documents
Date Document
1561 Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts.
1563 Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts.
1565 Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts.
1569.01.28 Casa de la Reina, payments to musicians.

Ref Author Item Pages
angles1944 Anglés, Higinio. La música en la corte de Carlos V con la transcripción del “Libro de cifra nueva para tecla, harpa y vihuela” (Alcalá de Henares, 1557) compilado por Luys Venegas de Henestrosa. 2 vols. Monumentos de la Música Española II, III. Barcelona: CSIC, 1944; rpt 1965.
corona1999 Corona-Alcalde, Antonio. “The Players and Performance Practice of the Vihuela and its related Instruments, the Lute and the Guitar, from c. 1450 to c.1650. as revealed by a Study of Literary, Musical, Theoretical, and Archival Sources”. Diss. King's College, University of London, 1999. 29, 310-311
robledo2000 Robledo Estaire, Luis, Tess Knighton, Cristina Bordas, and Juan José Carreras. Aspectos de la cultura musical en la Corte de Felipe II, Madrid: Fundación Caja Madrid; Alpuerto, 2000.