
Alamen, Jehan

Active 1407

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Jehan Alamen M P1214

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela de arco lute laúd Musician Servant Court - royal Instrumentalist (bowed) Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1407 Navarra 15cent/1/early Navarra
Biographical information

In 1407, King Charles of Navarre granted four florins to two musicians: Jehan Alamen and Convat (or Conyat), "menestrers de laut et de vielle de arc". From DonostiaPV, p. 11, quoted by Angles1970, p. 310 and corona1999, p. 21

Related persons
Convat (or Conyat) was his associate
Charles III King of Navarre was his employer

Source documents
Date Document
1407 Document title: King Charles of Navarra pays two musicians

Ref Author Item Pages
angles1970 Anglés, Higinio. Historia de la música medieval en Navarra. Pamplona: Diputación Foral de Navarra. Institución Principe de Viana, 1970. 310
corona1999 Corona-Alcalde, Antonio. “The Players and Performance Practice of the Vihuela and its related Instruments, the Lute and the Guitar, from c. 1450 to c.1650. as revealed by a Study of Literary, Musical, Theoretical, and Archival Sources”. Diss. King's College, University of London, 1999. 21
donostiaPV Donostia, José Antonio de. Música y músicos en el país vasco. San Sebastian: Monografías Vascongadas 5, 1951. 11