
Percivale, Richard

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Richard Percivale 1550 1620 M P1179

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vihuela guitar lute guitarra laúd Author Bourgeoisie Literary Author

Years active Place active Century Region
London 17cent/1/early England
Biographical information

Richard Percivale or Perceval (1550–1620) was an English administrator and politician, also known as a Hispanist and lexicographer.
He wrote a Spanish grammar for English readers, A Spanish Grammar, and a dictionary, both included in his Bibliotheca Hispanica (1591); this work was later enlarged by John Minsheu in A dictionarie in Spanish and English (London: E. Bollifant, 1599). (acc. 13/05/2015)

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Source documents
Date Document
1591 Richard Percivall, Bibliotheca Hispanica.
