
Morphy, Guillermo

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Guillermo Morphy Madrid 1836 Madrid 1899 M P1171

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Musician Nobility Court - noble Modern scholar (after 1850)

Years active Place active Century Region
Madrid 19cent Castilla
Biographical information

Guillermo Morphy y Ferríz de Guzmán, best known as Conde Morphy or Count Morphy (February 29, 1836 – August 27, 1899 in Madrid) was a Spanish aristocrat, music critic, musicologist, historian, educator, composer and politician. He became personal secretary to King Alfonso XII of Spain in 1875. He became a highly admired figure in artistic circles of late nineteenth century Madrid, and for his service to the Crown of Spain. He was a friend of Isaac Albéniz, who he arranged a grant for to study at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. He served as director of the Royal Concert Society at the Teatro Real in Madrid until 1891... acc. 15/09/14

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1869 Guillermo Morphy, Concert note.

Ref Author Item Pages
reyp2009 Rey, Pepe. “Guillermo Morphy: el redescubrimiento de la vihuela en el siglo XIX. I. Paris, 1868-1970”. Roseta 3 (Dec, 2009): 26-45.