
Alvarado, Francisco de

Active 1574

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Francisco de Alvarado M P1163

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Author Ecclesiastical Church Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
1574 Oaxaca 16cent America
Biographical information

Fray Francisco de Alvarado was a native of Mexico, where he entered the Dominican order 25 July 1574. He was vicar of Tamazulapa in 1593.[1]
Nothing more is known of him as yet, except that he wrote and published at Mexico, in 1593, a "Vocabulario en Lengua Misteca," one of the languages of the present state of Oaxaca. In the same year Fray Antonio de los Reyes, another Dominican, also published a grammar of that language, and at the same place. It is therefore impossible to determine to which of these works is due the honour of having been the first in and on the Mixtecan languages.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1593 Francisco de Alvarado, Vocabulario en lengua mixteca.

Ref Author Item Pages
alvarado1593 Alvarado, Francisco de. Vocabulario en lengua mixteca. Mexico City, 1593.