
Calepino, Ambrogio

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Ambrogio Calepino Bergamo 1440 ca Bergamo 1510 M P1162

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guitar guitarra Author Professional Literary Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
Bergamo 16cent/1/early Italy
Biographical information

Ambrogio Calepino (c. 1440 – 1510), commonly known by the Latin form of his name, Calepinus, was an Italian lexicographer.
Calepino was born and died in Bergamo. He entered the Augustinian Order in 1458.
His Latin dictionary appeared first in 1502 at Reggio. It was reprinted many times during the 16th century, Aldi alone producing no fewer than 18 editions from 1542 to 1592. Later editions were considerably enlarged. To the Latin of the original were added equivalents in other languages. Thus we have the Basle edition (1590) which contains eleven languages: "Ambrosii Calepini dictionarium undecim linguarum: respondent autem latinis vocabulis hebraica, græca, gallica, italica, germanica, belgica, hispanica, polonica, ungarica, anglica".
The edition in seven languages by Jacopo Facciolati (Pavia, 1718) with the assistance of Egidio Forcellini,[1] was reprinted many times. Calepinus became a common name, a synonym of dictionary or lexicon, and we find titles like the following: Septem linguarum calepinus, hoc est, lexicon latinum. Calepino also wrote the life of John Bonus of Mantua which is found in the Acta Sanctorum for the 22nd of October (Oct. IX, 748-767). acc. 29/08/14

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Source documents
Date Document
1565 Ambrosio Calepino, Dictionarium.

Ref Author Item Pages
celepinoD Celepino, Ambrosio. Dictionarium tanta tanque multa verborum, tum latinorum, tum etiam graecorum, quae suis latinis bellisime respondent. Lyon, 1565.