
Solís y Ribadeneyra, Antonio de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra Alcalá de Henares 1610 Madrid 1686 M P1158

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vihuela Author Bourgeoisie Urban Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
17cent Castilla
Biographical information

Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra (1610 – April 19, 1686) was a Spanish dramatist and historian. His work includes drama, poetry, and prose, and he has been considered one of the last great writers of Spanish Baroque literature.
He was born at Alcalá de Henares (or, less probably, Plasencia). He studied law at Salamanca, where he produced a comedy entitled Amour and Obligation, which was acted in 1627. He became secretary to the count of Oropesa, and in 1654 he was appointed secretary of state as well as private secretary to Philip IV. Later he obtained the lucrative post of chronicler of the Indies, and, on taking orders in 1671 severed his connexion with the stage. He died at Madrid on April 19, 1686. acc. 29/08/14

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Source documents
Date Document
1656 Antonio de Solís, Las fiestas bacanales.

Ref Author Item Pages
solisVARIAS Solís y Ribadeneyra, Antonio. Varias poesías sagradas y profanas, que dexó escritas (aunque no juntas, ni retocadas) don Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra, Oficial de la Secretaria de Estado, y Secretario de su Magestad y su Chronista Mayor de las Indias. Madrid: Manuela Fernández, 1732.