
Abravanel, Judah Leon

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Judah Leon Abravanel Lisbon 1465 ca Naples 1523 ca M P1118

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Medicine Professional Court Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
Naples 16cent Portugal
Biographical information

Judah Leon Abravanel (or Abrabanel, otherwise known as: in Latin, Leo Hebraeus; in Portuguese, Leão Hebreu; in Spanish, León Hebreo; in Italian, Leone Ebreo; in English, Leo the Hebrew; and in Hebrew, יהודה בן יצחק אברבנאל [Yehuda ben Yitzhak Abravanel]) (c. 1465 Lisbon – c. 1523 Naples) was a Portuguese Jewish physician, poet and philosopher. His work Dialoghi d'amore (Dialogues of Love) was one of the most important philosophical works of his time. He was born of Castilian Jewish heritage in Lisbon, and wrote his most important work in Italian. (...) acc. 27/01/15

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Source documents
Date Document
1568 León Abravanel, Los diálogos del amor.

Ref Author Item Pages
abra1568 Abravanel, León. Los dialogos del amor. Venice, 1568.