
Silva , Feliciano de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Feliciano de Silva Ciudad Rodrigo 1491 1554 M P1097

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela guitar guitarra Author Professional Urban Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
16cent Castilla
Biographical information

Feliciano de Silva (1491 – June 24, 1554) was a Spanish writer.
de Silva was born in Ciudad Rodrigo to a powerful family, Silva wrote “sequels” to La Celestina and Amadis de Gaula. de Silva was a prolific writer. His first chivalresque work, Lisurate de Grecia (nephew of Amadis de Gaula), was published in 1514. It is a relatively short work. His Amadis of Greece (1530) continued the success enjoyed by this first work. Amadis of Greece is divided into two parts which deal with the adventures of Amadis of Greece, Knight of the Burning Sword, son of Lisuarte of Greece and Onoloria of Trabizond (Trapisonda), as well as his love for both Princess Lucela of France and Princess Niquea of Thebes, whom he subsequently marries.

from, acc. 11/07/14

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Source documents
Date Document
1534 Feliciano de Silva, Segunda comedia de Celestina.
