
Osuna, Francisco de

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Francisco de Osuna Osuna 1492 ca. 1540 ca. M P1094

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Cleric Ecclesiastical Church Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
Osuna 16cent Andalucia
Biographical information

Francisco of Osuna, O.F.M. (1492 or 1497 – c. 1540), was a Spanish Franciscan friar and author of some of the most influential works on spirituality in that nation in the 16th century
His book The Third Spiritual Alphabet influenced Saint Teresa of Jesus.[2] It is considered a masterpiece of Franciscan mysticism. His premise in the book is that friendship and communion with God are possible in this life through cleansing one's conscience, entering one's heart, resting in loving stillness, and then rising above the heart to God alone.

from acc. 11/07/14

In his Abecedario espiritual he quotes from the book of Job and uses the term “vihuela” as a translation of the Latin “citharum”. There is no other reference to him and the vihuela.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1530 Francisco de Osuna, Segunda parte del Abecedario espiritual.
1531 Francisco de Osuna, Norte de los estados.
