
Martínez de Toledo, Alfonso

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Alfonso Martínez de Toledo Toledo 1398 ca. 1470 ca. M P1083

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela lute guitar guitarra laúd Author Ecclesiastical Church Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
Toledo-Talavera 15cent Castilla
Biographical information

Alfonso Martínez de Toledo (ca. 1398 – ca. 1470), known as the Archpriest of Talavera (Arcipreste de Talavera), was a Castilian poet and writer. Born in Toledo, Spain, he studied in that city, spent some time in Catalonia and Aragón, and served as a prebendary at the cathedral of Toledo. He then became archpriest at Talavera.
He wrote two hagiographies, Vida de San Isidoro (Life of Saint Isidore) and Vida de San Ildefonso (Life of Saint Ildephonsus), as well as the historical compilation Atalaya de las crónicas.

from, acc. 09/07/14

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Source documents
Date Document
1498 Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, El Corbacho.

Ref Author Item Pages
martineztoledoCOR Martínez de Toledo, Alonso. El Corbacho o Reprobación del amor mundano. Seville: Meinardo Ungut y Estanislao Polono, 1498.
martineztoledoCOR2 Martínez de Toledo, Alonso. Libro del arcipreste de Talauera que tracta de vicios et virtudes: et reprobacion del loco amor [El Corbacho]. Toledo, 1500.