
Ruiz de Tapia, Sebastián

Active 1564-1570

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Sebastián Ruiz de Tapia M P1060

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Violero Artisan Urban Maker String maker/merchant Maker (violero) Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1564-1570 Sevilla 16cent/3/late Andalucia
Biographical information

• 1564 sent vihuela strings to the Americas “10 gruesas de 12 docenas de cuerdas alemanas”. bejarano2013-1, 523
• 1570 commenced legal procedings for the non-payment of the consignment of strings of 1564 (1570.07.13) bejarano2013-1, 523
• 1570 Bejarano uses him to exemplify the diversity of incomes of some violeros. In 1570 he had 16 horses that he hired. He hired the entire fleet to the prior of San Juan por la Caridad (Córdoba), although there was a dispute as only 12 were returned to him. (1570.07.18) He also had a similar number of mules. These were hired to the Pedro de Zúñiga y Sotomayor to go to Laredo to greet Philip II’s new queen, but also resulted in mishap (1570.10.03). bejarano2013-1, 523.
• 1570 - lends violero Francisco de Saravía of 140 reales, including instrument strings, for 12 months. bejarano2013-1, 523
• 1570 - grants power of attorney to sculptor (entallador) Alonso de Pozas to recover debts for him in the Americas, sells him merchandise for 1327 reales (over a period of two years), and names him as administrator of all his possessions.

Related persons
Francisco de Saravía was his colleague

Source documents
Date Document
1570.07.18 Sebastián Ruiz de Tapia seeks resitution concerning his 16 horses.
1570.10.03 Sebastián Ruiz de Tapia seeks resitution concerning his 16 mules.
1570.08.29 Sebastián Ruiz de Tapia, loan.
1570.07.13 Sebastián Ruiz de Tapia, power of attorney to Gerónimo de Mur Cazón.
1570.08.29 Sebastián Ruiz de Tapia.

Ref Author Item Pages
bejarano2013-1 Bejarano Pellicer, Clara. El mercado de la música en la Sevilla del Siglo de Oro. Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, Fundación Focus-Abengoa, 2013. 523