
León, Pedro de

Active 1610-1629

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Pedro de León M P1054

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero) Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1610-1629 Sevilla 17cent/1/early Andalucia
Biographical information

• 1610 - 19 June. Signed as witness saying that he knew Leonor de la Cruz, wife of violero Cristóbal de Solís, at that time in the Americas.
• 1610 - 13 July. Pedro de León hires Juan Bautista Bermúdez to teach him for 8 months so he can complete his apprenticeship as a violero. Bermúdez is required to reside with León, in his house in the calle Sierpes, working for León as a violero exclusively. León will pay him 15 ducados in addition to buying from him the instruments he makes. (see contract of 1610.07.13). León knew how to read and write; Bermudez did not.
• 1610 - October. Pedro de León completes his apprenticeship and becomes a licenced violero.
• 1610 - October. Sublets part of his residence to another violero Agustín Duarte for 14 months. Among the witnesses to this document is violero Cristóbal de Rojas, reident in the collación de la Magdalena.
• 1610 - 30 July, marries Luisa de la Torre, doncella pobre, daughter of Juan de la Torre and Catalina de Sayaberde. Details of dowry paid by the Hospital de la Misericordia in bajaranoMERC.
• 1629 - Pedro de León rented from Andrés Sánchez Fajardo, “unas casas con su patio y una tienda en la calle de la Borceguinería, en la collación de Santa María” for one year for the price of 1.5 ducados per month (2437 mrs).

bejarano2013-1, 521-522.

Related persons
Juan Bautista Bermúdez was his master
Cristóbal de Solís was his colleague

Source documents
Date Document
1610.07.13 Pedro de León & Juan Bautista Bermúdez, apprenticeship contract.
1610.10.22 Pedro de León sublets part of his house to Agustín Duarte, violero.
1610.07.30 Pedro de León, violero, marries Luisa de la Torre.
1629.06.07 Pedro de León, violero, rents a house and shop
1610.06.19 Leonor de la Cruz, receipt of money from Cristóbal de Solís.
