
Castilla, Juana I de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juana I de Castilla Toledo 1479 Tordesillas 1555 F P1046

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Government (municipal) Royalty Court - royal Patron

Years active Place active Century Region
16cent Castilla
Biographical information

zalamaJUANA p. 35: In 1491, Juana bought a vihuela which she gave to one of her musicians to play. Zalama observes that this proves that the instrument was played in her presence. The original document states that she bought “vna vihuela que mandó dar la ynfante a vn tañedor, que costó vn castellano”. The documentary source is given in footnote 81. Zalama also speculates that she may have known how to play the clavichord, but only on the basis of the education in these matters of her brother Juan.

Related persons
Príncipe Don Juan was her brother
Fernando el Católico was her father
Isabel la Catolica was her mother

Ref Author Item Pages
zalamaJUANA Zalama. Miguel Ángel. Juana I. Arte, poder y cultura en torno a una reina que no gobernó. 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica (CEEH), 2010. 35, 266