
Zúñiga y Guzmán Sotomayor, Alonso Francisco de

Active 1520-1544

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Alonso Francisco de Zúñiga y Guzmán Sotomayor 1500c Belalcázar 1544 M P0988

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela vihuela de mano vihuela de arco guitar keyboard flauta / corneto / orlas other guitarra tecla Nobility Court - noble Patron

Years active Place active Century Region
1520-1544 Belalcázar, Flanders 16cent/2/mid Andalucia
Biographical information

Francisco de Sotomayor (as he was born) became fifth (Russell says Fourth) count of Balalcázar (1518-1544), and third duke of Béjar (1533-1544)- through being consort of the 3rd duchess of Béjar (Teresa de Zúñiga). russell2002 is the main source of information. The Duke of Béjar’s estate was sold on his death in 1544 to pay off his debts. This was the castle of Belalcázar in the province of Córdoba, almost on the border with Extremadura. Includes a large collection of musical instruments: 5 keyboards, 12 string instruments (vihuelas), more than 42 wind instuments plus military instruments.
There was also a broken guitar sold to one Rybera for 2 reales.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1544.11.24 Inventory post mortem of the 3rd Duke of Béjar, Francisco de Zúñiga y Guzmán Sotomayor.

Ref Author Item Pages
russell2002 Russell, Eleanor. “Music in the House of the Third Duke of Béjar, ca. 1520-1544”. Encomium Musicae: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert J. Snow. Ed. David Crawford & G. Grayson Wagstaff. Festschrift series, 17. New York: Pendragon, 2002. 285-303.