
Boccaccio, Giovanni

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Giovanni Boccaccio Certaldo 1313 Certaldo 1375 M P0976

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
lute vihuela laúd Poet Professional Literary Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
Certaldo 14cent Italy
Biographical information

Giovanni Boccaccio
1313 – 21 December 1375, was an Italian author, poet, correspondent of Petrarch, and important Renaissance humanist. Boccaccio wrote a number of notable works, including the Decameron and On Famous Women. As a poet who wrote in the Italian vernacular, Boccaccio is particularly noted for his realistic dialogue, which differed from that of his contemporaries, medieval writers who usually followed formulaic models for character and plot.

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Source documents
Date Document
1496 Juan Boccaccio, Las cien novelas.
1494-10-24 Boccaccio, Las mujeres ilustres.

Ref Author Item Pages
bocc1543 Boccaccio, Giovanni. Las cient novellas. Medina del Campo, 1543.