
Manrique, Jorge

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Jorge Manrique Palencia/Jaén? 1440ca Cuenca 1479 M P0953

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Author Professional Court - noble Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
Palencia 15cent Castilla
Biographical information

Wikipedia (28/03/2014):
Jorge Manrique (c. 1440 – 1479) was a major Spanish poet, whose main work, the Coplas a la muerte de su padre (Verses on the death of Don Rodrigo Manrique, his Father), is still read today. He was a supporter of the great Spanish queen, Isabel I of Castile, and actively participated on her side in the civil war that broke out against her half-brother, Enrique IV, when the latter attempted to make his daughter, Juana, crown princess. Jorge died in 1479 during an attempt to take the castle of Garcimuñoz, defended by the Marquis of Villena (a staunch enemy of Isabel), after Isabel gained the crown.
Manrique was a great-nephew of Iñigo López de Mendoza (marquis of Santillana), a descendant of Pero López de Ayala, chancellor of Castile, and a nephew of Gómez Manrique, corregidor of Toledo, all important poets of the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. He was, therefore, a member of a noble family of great literary consequence.

Jorge Manrique - "Un convite que hizo a su madrastra".
Available online:ña_Elvira_de_Castañeda)
One of his poesías burlescas comprising 15 Stanzas

Stanza 1:

Señora muy acabada,
tened vuestra gente presta,
que la triste hora es llegada
de la muy solemne fiesta.
Cuando yo un cuerno tocare,
moverés todas al trote,
y a la que primero llegare
d´aquí le suelto ell escote


Stanza 14

La fiesta ya fesnecida,
entrará luego una dueña
con una hacha encendida,
d´aquellas de partir leña,
con dos velas sin pabilos,
hechas de cera d´orejas;
las pestañas y las cejas
bien cosidas con dos hilos.

Stanza 15

Y en ell un pie dos chapines
y en ell otro una chinela;
en las manos escarpines,
y tañendo una vihuela:
un tocino, por tocado;
por sartales, un raposo;
un braço desconyuntado
y el otro todo velloso.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1511 Jorge Manrique, “Convite a su madrastra”.
