
Mur, Ramon de

Active 1412-1435

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Ramon de Mur Tarragona? Tarrega 1436/ca M P0946

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harp lute rabel arpa laúd vihuela Artist Professional Church Artist Artist (painter)

Years active Place active Century Region
1412-1435 Catalonia 15cent/1/early Cataluña
Biographical information

Ramon de Mur (Tarragona ? - Tárrega, c. 1436) a Gothic painter, active in Catalonia, representative of the iinternational Gothic style, and allied with the Tarragona School.
He lived and worked in Tárrega, where he completed the large part of his output, of which the most important is the Altar piece of the parish church in Guimerá, known as the Retablo de Guimerá, painted between 1402 and 1412. 23 of the original 32 panels survive and are now housed in the Museo Episcopal in Vich.

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