
Pujol, Emilio

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Emilio Pujol 1886 1980 M P0908

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela vihuela de mano Musician Professional Urban Polyphonist/Theorist

Years active Place active Century Region
Barcelona, Lleida 20cent Cataluña
Biographical information

Emili Pujol Vilarrubí (September 10, 1886 - November 21, 1980) was a composer and a leading twentieth-century classical guitar teacher.
Emili Pujol was born in the little village of Granadella just outside Lleida, Spain. He began his studies with Francisco Tárrega in 1902, when he was sixteen years of age. At this time, Miquel Llobet was making his debut as a concert artist outside Barcelona. Pujol fondly remembered his first encounter with Tárrega and in his biography of his teacher, he described his mestre in very endearing, romantic terms.[1]
During the war years 1914-1918 he did not travel much and mainly remained in Catalonia. In 1918 he undertook his first tour of South America, starting in Buenos Aires. The only major interruptions in his concert travels were his marriage to Matilde Cuervas in Paris, an Andalusian flamenco guitarist, and the period of time he devoted to historical research in Paris into the instrumental predecessors of the guitar. The beginning signs of World War II, also prevented him from continuing his concert career. (...) acc. 23/01/15

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Source documents
Date Document
1936.04.23 Emilio Pujol, 1st modern concert on the vihuela.

Ref Author Item Pages
rieraPUJOL Riera, Juan. Emilio Pujol. Lérida: Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses, 1974.