
Tinctoris, Johannes

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Johannes Tinctoris Braine l’Alleud 1435 ca. Nivelles 1511 M P0890

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela guitar guitarra Cleric Professional Church Composer of polyphony Polyphonist/Theorist Author - poet, playwright Composer (polyphony) Music theorist

Years active Place active Century Region
Belgium, Napoli 16cent/1/early Lowcountries
Biographical information

Johannes Tinctoris (c. 1435 – 1511) was a Renaissance composer and music theorist from the Low Countries. He is known to have studied in Orléans, and to have been master of the choir there; he also may have been director of choirboys at Chartres. Because he was paid through the office of petites vicars at Cambrai Cathedral for four months in 1460, it has been speculated that he studied with Dufay, who spent the last part of his life there; certainly Tinctoris must at least have known the elder Burgundian there. Tinctoris went to Naples about 1472 and spent most of the rest of his life in Italy. (...) acc. 22/01/15
see also

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1487/ca Johannes Tinctoris, De Inventione et Usu Musica.
1474/ca Johannes Tinctoris, Terminorum musicae diffinitorium.

Ref Author Item Pages
baines1950 Baines, Anthony. “Fifteenth-century instruments in Tinctoris’ De Inventione et Usu Musicae.” Galpin Society Journal 3 (1950): 19-26.