
Zayas, María de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
María de Zayas Madrid 1590 ? 1661 ? F P0865

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela guitar guitarra Author Professional Urban Author Author - poet, playwright

Years active Place active Century Region
17cent Castilla
Biographical information

María de Zayas y Sotomayor (September 12, 1590 – 1661) wrote during Spain's Golden Age of literature. She is considered by a number of modern critics as one of the pioneers of modern literary feminism, while others consider her simply a well-accomplished baroque author. The female characters in de Zayas' stories were used as vehicles to enlighten readers about the plight of women in Spanish society, or to instruct them in proper ways to live their lives. accessed 12/05/14

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Source documents
Date Document
1647 María de Zayas, Desengaños amorosos, segunda parte del sarao y entretenimiento honesto.
1637 María de Zayas, Novelas amorosas.
