
Crespí, Lleonard

Active 1424–59

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Lleonard Crespí M P0799

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela vihuela de arco Artist Professional Urban Artist Artist (painter)

Years active Place active Century Region
1424–59 15cent Cataluña
Biographical information

Crespí: “Spanish family of illuminators. They were active in Valencia. Domingo Crespi (fl 1383–1438) was the founder of the dynasty, which was continued by his son Lleonard (fl 1424–59); another son Pedro was also a miniaturist. Pere Crespi and Miguel Crespi, who may also have been members of the family, are cited in documents in 1428 and 1432 respectively. The Crespi workshop enjoyed royal and ecclesiastical patronage and was the source of work” acc. 15/01/15

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