
Flecha, Mateo

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Mateo Flecha Prades 1481 Poblet 1553 M P0774

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
guitar guitarra Musician Ecclesiastical Court Composer of polyphony Polyphonist/Theorist Composer (polyphony)

Years active Place active Century Region
Lleida, Valencia, Sigüenza 16cent/3/late Aragon
Biographical information

Mateo Flecha (Catalan: Mateu Fletxa) (1481–1553) was a composer born in Kingdom of Aragon, in the region of Prades. He is sometimes known as "El Viejo" (the elder) to distinguish him from his nephew, Mateo Flecha "El Joven" (the younger), also a composer of madrigals. "El Viejo" is best known for his ensaladas, published in Prague in 1581 by the same nephew.
Mateo Flecha directed the music at the cathedral of Lleida (September 1523 – October 1525).[1] From there he moved to Guadalajara, in the service for six years of the Duke, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. From there he went to Valencia where he assumed direction of the chapel choir of the Duke of Calabria. While thus employed, three of his works were included in songbooks associated with that chapel, including the Cancionero de Uppsala. In 1537 Flecha moved to Sigüenza where he served as maestro di cappella for two years. From 1544 to 1548 he lived in the castle at Arévalo as teacher of the Infantas Maria and Joanna, daughters of Philip II of Spain (1527-1598). Toward the end of his life Mateo Flecha became a monk of the Cistercian Order, living in the Monastery at Poblet, where he died in 1553.[2][3][4] acc. 07/01/15

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Source documents
Date Document
1530-40/ca. Mateo Flecha, Ensaladas.
