
Forment, Damián

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Damián Forment Valencia 1480 Santo Domingo de la Calzada 1540 M P0763

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela vihuela de arco Architect Professional Urban Artist Artist (sculptor)

Years active Place active Century Region
Valencia, Zaragoza 16cent/1/early Cataluña
Biographical information

Damià Forment (1480–1540) was a Spanish architect and sculptor, considered the most important Spanish sculptor of the 16th century.[1]
Forment studied in Rome and Florence before returning to his native town of Valencia.[2] He worked there from 1500–09, and then moved to Zaragoza, where he kept his studio for the rest of his life. The sculptor Juan de Salas was one of his apprentices, and later was employed carving images for his master in wood and alabaster, being paid based on the area of the work (...). Fromà_Forment, acc. 04/01/15

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