
Cayrasco de Figueroa, Bartolomé

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Bartolomé Cayrasco de Figueroa Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1538 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1610 M P0757

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela guitar lute guitarra laúd Cleric Ecclesiastical Church Author Author - poet, playwright Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
16cent Canarias
Biographical information

Bartolomé Cayrasco de Figueroa (1538-1610). Canario. From 1572 he was Canónigo of the cathedral of Las Palmas, from 1572, he was secretary of the Chapter, and had much to do with music. He died in Las Palmas, and appears to have worked there all his life. References to the vihuela in his Templo Militante , triumphos de virtudes, festividades y vidas de santos. (Valladolid, 1602-1603; rpt Madrid, 1609; and Lisbon 1613). Book written following the church calendar and exemplifying the lives of the Saints and the festivities of the church.é_Cairasco_de_Figueroa acc. 07/01/15

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Source documents
Date Document
1602 Bartolomé Cayrasco de Figueroa, Templo Militante, triumphos de virtudes, festividades y vidas de santos.
