
Daza Maldonado, Diego

Active before 1658

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Diego Daza Maldonado M P0740

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
From a vihuelist's family

Years active Place active Century Region
before 1658 17cent Castilla
Biographical information

Son of Gaspar Daza Maldonado and Catalina de Bascones.
Died before 1658
He married a woman named Ana María de Ribamartín by whom he had at least three children: Gaspar, Joseph and Juan. The first two were clerics in Córdoba, while Juan was a vecino of Cádiz

Related persons
Esteban Daza was his uncle
Gaspar Daza Maldonado was his father
Catalina de Bascones was his mother
Ana María de Ribamartín was his wife

Source documents
Date Document
1631.02.13 Diego Daza Maldonado, receipt.
1658.07.29 Juan Daza Maldonado, property sale (1).
1724 Fundación de misas en S. Benito, 1427-1724.
