
Berruguete, Alonso de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Alonso de Berruguete Paredes de Nava c.1488 Toledo 1561 M P0731

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Artist Professional Church Artist Artist (painter) Artist (sculptor)

Years active Place active Century Region
15cent/2/mid Castilla
Biographical information

Alonso González de Berruguete (Alonso Berruguete) (c. 1488 – 1561) was a Spanish painter, sculptor and architect. He is considered to be the most important sculptor of the Spanish Renaissance, and is known for his emotive sculptures depicting religious ecstasy or torment.
Born in the town of Paredes de Nava, Berruguete studied art under the tutelage of his father, the painter Pedro Berruguete. Following his father's death in 1504, Berruguete travelled to Italy to continue his study of art, spending most of his time in Florence and Rome. It is here that he studied sculpture under the Italian master, Michelangelo. His paintings produced in Italy showed a mannerist influence, with his art being compared with contemporaries such as Jacopo Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino.
Berruguete returned to Spain in 1517, and in 1518, was appointed to the position of court painter and sculptor by Charles V of Spain. From this point in his career forward, Berruguete concentrated on sculpture. Works of his include an altarpiece at the Irish college in Salamanca (1529–1533), choir stalls at the Cathedral of Toledo (1539–1543) and a tomb for the Archbishop of Toledo Juan de Tavera at the hospital that Tavera founded, the hospital of St. John the Baptist in Toledo (1552–1561).
from consulted -09/09/13

Related persons
Andrés de Melgar was his apprentice
Pedro Berruguete was his father
