
Alfonso X, el sabio

Active 1221-1284

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Alfonso X, el sabio Toledo 1221.11.23 Sevilla 1284.04.04 M P0726

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela harp arpa Government (state) Royalty Court - royal Patron Author

Years active Place active Century Region
1221-1284 Toledo, Sevilla 13cent Castilla
Biographical information

Alfonso X (also occasionally Alphonso X, Alphonse X, or Alfons X,[1] 23 November 1221 – 4 April 1284), called the Wise (Spanish: el Sabio), was the King of Castile, León and Galicia from 30 May 1252 until his death. During the Imperial election of 1257, a dissident faction chose him to be King of the Romans (Latin: Rex Romanorum; German: Römisch-deutscher König) on 1 April. He renounced his imperial claim in 1275, and in creating an alliance with England in 1254 his claim on Gascony also.(...) from acc. 05/01/2015

Related persons
Alfonso XI was his grandson

Source documents
Date Document
1275 Alfonso X, General Estoria.
