
Daza, Melchior

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Melchior Daza 1549ca 1593 M P0708

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Bourgeoisie Urban From a vihuelist's family

Years active Place active Century Region
Valladolid 16cent Castilla
Biographical information

One of the younger brothers of vihuelist Esteban Daza. He was approximately twelve years younger thant the vihuelist, and lived with him probably until close to his death. He studied at the University of Valladolid in the early 1570s. He has no other connection to the vihuela.

Related persons
Esteban Daza was his brother

Source documents
Date Document
1563.08.16 Tomás Daza de los Ríos, renunciation of possessions
1569.04.09 The children of Tomás Daza, executorship and guardianship of their persons and property
1578.05.26-30 Juana Daza, payment of her dowry following the death of her husband.
1563.05.19 Tomás Daza, last will and testament
1578.06.21 Renunciation and sale of annuity of the heirs of Tomás Daza.
1579.10.12 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (1).
1581.04.25 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (2).
1582.07.24 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (3).
1583.11.10 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (4) and to a codicil (1582.07.24).
1585.08.16 Gaspar Daza, codicil.
1586.03.11 Gaspar Daza Maldonado, promises an annual salary to Melchior Daza.
1586.03.13-19 Gaspar Daza, documents related to his death and inheritance.
1567.12.02 Melchor Daza, enrollment (”Gramatica”) 1.
1567.12.24 Melchor Daza, enrollment (”Gramatica”) 2.
1571.11.15 1571.11.29 Melchor Daza, enrolment in Súmulas.
1572.02.06 Melchor Daza, university enrolment.
1572.11? Melchor Daza, university enrolment 1572-1573.
1573.11.22 Melchor Daza, university enrolment 1573-1574.
1574.12.24 Melchor Daza,university enrolment 1574-1575.
1578.01.30 Melchor Daza, university tuition.
1578.05.30 Juana, Esteban, Balthasar, Melchior and Dª Gerónima, consent of the payment to their mother ( Doc. 12).
1578.05.30 Esteban Daza, acknowledgement of previous document (Doc. 13).
1585.06/o/07? Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (5).
1593.01.07 Melchior Daza, witness of a letter of obligation.
1578.05.30 Esteban Daza and Melchor Daza, document to approve the appointment of Alº Navarro (Doc. 4).
