
Aranda, Gerónima de

Active 1547-1569

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Gerónima de Aranda Valladolid 1569 F P0690

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Bourgeoisie Urban From a vihuelist's family

Years active Place active Century Region
1547-1569 Valladolid 16cent Castilla
Biographical information

2nd wife of Gaspar Daza, Esteban Daza’s uncle
Other members of her family were intermarried with the Butrón family.

Related persons
Gaspar Daza was her wife

Source documents
Date Document
1563.11.23 Gerónima de Aranda, codicil.
1547.02.11 Gaspar Daza, statement of assets.
1556.02.10 Gaspar Daza, will.
1559.11.14 Gaspar Daza, will.
1574.12.13 Gaspar Daza, will and testament.
1579.09.17 Gaspar Daza, 3rd will and testament.
1586.12.15-17 Gaspar Daza, 21 documents related to his death.
1587.12.28? Lawsuit between Calderon and Daza on the dowry of Jerónima Aranda.
1587.12.28 Gerónima de Aranda, inventory.
1624.03.26 History of the Daza chapel.
1547.02.25 Gaspar Daza, financial arrangement with his brothers.
1563.08.14 1563.11.23 Gerónima de Aranda (1st wife of Gaspar Daza), will.
1569.11.15 Gerónima de Aranda, post-mortem inventory
1569.11.12 Jerónima de Aranda, acknowledgement of her death.
